Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Went to summer camp.
Came back to Vegas.
Celebrated the late Michael Jackson's would been 51st birthday
Went to Anime Vegas
Started high school
Got a puppy <3
Made the school play
Decorated for Halloween
Had a kick ass halloween party
Straight A's baby
School play showed
Made foods for thanksgiving [if microwaving stuff counts]
Made my Christmas List
Went to Colorado!
Hung out at home.
Drew some stuffs [I'll upload in a bit]
Celebrated Hanukkah, Christmas, Beethoven Day, and Kwanza [hows that for multi-culutral?]
Now its MEME TIME!
I took this Meme from [MelonMangoSeed]who took it from Yuki V. and Seliex.
- Name: Shadae
- Single or taken: not going to tell you
- Sex:female-WAIT...yeah female
- Birthday: Jan 28
- Sign: Aquarius
- Hair color: Maroon
- Eye color: Brown
- Height: 5'5
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay: Bisexual..
-----------• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •--------------
- Favorite place to shop for clothes?:Hot Topic/ Old Navy
- Favorite designer: Too many
- What is your coolest outfit: Well none of my outfits are real hot..OH..uh idk
- What is your most comfortable outfit: Jeans and a T-Shirt
- What do you usually wear: Jeans and T-Shirts
--------------• × • S P E C I F I C S • × • -------------------
- What kind of shampoo do you use: Uh..idk..
- What are you listening to right now: Jammin to the classic Jackson 5
- Who is the last person that called you: Dezzy
- How many buddies are online right now: 7
-------------• × • F A V O U R I T E S • × •-----------------
- Food: I don't care if i don'thave to cook it
- Girls' names: Gwen, Victoria, Erin, Aurora,
- Boys' names: Oliver, uh..yeah..
- Subjects in school: Science and Film Studies
- Animals: Seahorses, Owls, Flamingos
----------------• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •-------------
- Given anyone a bath: Yes
- Smoked: No
- Bungee jumped: Yeah
- Made yourself throw up: Yes
- Ever been in love: Love is a made up thing
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Mhmm
- Cried when someone died: Yes, Michael Jackson better feel bad for making a little girl cry..haha
- Lied: Everybody lies
- Fallen for your best friend: Um..rather not say...
- Rejected someone: Yeah but he was stupid and ignorant like a child
- Used someone: No. nu uh
- Done something you regret: Yes
------------• × • C U R R E N T • × •--------------
- Clothes:scarf, shirt, undershirt, jeans, socks, shoes,
- Desktop picture: star fleet logo
- CD in player: Michael Jackoson; BAD
- DVD in player: Star Trek
----------------• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •----------------------
- Hugged: Steven
- You IMed: KT
- Talk to online: KT
- Talked to offline: My grandmother
---------------• × • A R E | Y O U • × •---------------------
- Understanding: Yes
- Hungry: No
- Open-minded: When it comes to everything but food.
- Arrogant: Well..not really..sometimes
- Insecure: Yes..extremely
- Random: KITTENS! uh? oh...maybe
- Smart: Exceptionaly.
- Organized: My life is an organized mess
- Shy: Not I'm pretty out going
- Difficult: Yes
- Bored easily: Yep
---------• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N T | TO • × •--------
- Kill: Myself
- Slap: My Mom
- Get really wasted with: Maybe Dezzy.
- Get high with: No one!
- Talk to offline: Dezzy
- Talk to online: Alot of people
------------------• × • R A N D O M • × •---------------------
- In the morning I: had a mini freak out
- Love is: not real.
- I dream about: I don't, and if I do they're nightmares..usually preminitions to come..horrible dreams that always come true
- What do you notice first in the opposite sex? How kind/dumb/ or gullible they are
---------------• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × ---------------
- Coke or Pepsi: Coke
- Flowers or candy: Both are edible
- Tall or short: idc
------------------• × • W H O • × • ---------------
- Makes you laugh the most: I don't laugh a lot but if I do its either: Dezzy,Mary , Whitney, or Steven
- Makes you smile: Whitney's russian accent and when people care
- Gives you a funny feeling when you look at them: Robbert Pattinson..but thats probably just gas
--------------• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •-----------------
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you: no
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Yes
- Wish you were younger: I want to be little forever. I dont want to grow up
- Cry because someone said something to you: Yeah.
-----------• × • N U M B E R • × •--------------
- Of times I have had my heart broken: who knows
- Of guys I've kissed: personalll
- Of girls I've kissed: 1
- Of CD's I own: 54
- Of scars on my body: they are all disappearing
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Ah, Halloween!
AHahahah good times. Great minds think alike I suppose.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Ahh, October.

Friday, 25 September 2009
Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Halle Berry Icons
Now, in my own opinion, Twitter is just another wannabe Myspace, Facebook, or anyother social networking site...just less advanced. On Twitter, there isn't annoying applications that your friends can send you invites to join [and thank Spock, cause those darn things get pretty annoying]. But on Twitter, you just update what youre doing every minute of the its not all that exciting. ahaha.
Well, I'll check in on you all later to keep you in the loop.
-Shae out. ahaha
Thursday, 10 September 2009
The newest member of the family

This is the newest member of our family: Lucy, all she needs now is a diamond collar. Lucy in the sky with diamonds, to go with the yellow submarine and the walrus. Ahaha, right now, little Lucy is fast asleep in my laps, making it very difficult to type at all.
Incase you were wondering, Lucy is a 10 week old Puggle puppy. A Puggle is a pug and a beagel mix. [: Shes so adorable and enjoys falling into the pool, [shes done it 3 times today it was pretty funny]!
Well, Lucy needs to go out and do her "buisness" so I'll be back later!
Shae Out.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Why I watch TV

Star Trek: Enterprise
Ohmigod, I love this show. I think, I love this show more then the origina Star Trek. The graphics are great! And I love all the character....except the captain...hes retarded. But everyone else is cool. Ecspecialy T' Pol. She's my favorite character. :] Shes so pretty and she kicks butt. Hurray for Suus Mahna. XD But, like most of the shows I watch you don't have to see every episode to understand it...which is very good for people who don't have time to sit down and watch it everytime its on
Star Trek: The Original Series
I know how underappriciated this show is...but no matter I love it anyways. When I was little...about 3-8 years of age, I lived without cable. So, I had three options for entertainment: The News, Infomercials, and Star Trek. Guess which one won. Ahahah. But anywho, I still watch this old television show with cardboard props anytime I see it on. It provides a few good laugh.
House MD
Ah, who couldn't love this show? Sarcasim, drugs, and racism. Ahaha... that sounds so terrible but thats whats in this show. XD Well, I think the main reason I love this show so much is because the way the characters are protrayed. Hugh Laurie and Robert Sean Leonard share a bromance almost as touching as the one William Shatner and Leonard Nimmoy shared in Star Trek. The script of this show is perfectly written to draw everything in it together for one story to take place. Its one of those shows where you don't have to see every episode to not understand whats going on, which is good.
HeroesThis show is so great. However, unlike the other shows I watch this does require you to watch it from the beginning to understand it. If you miss one're screwed. Ahahaha. Well anyways, I like this show because it always makes me wonder if anything like that is possible. I know its silly but its always just fun to wonder. People with abilities are the topic of a lot of sci-fi shows and comic books. This sorta reminds me of X-Men.
Jon and Kate Plus Eight
DONT SHOOT ME! -hides-
Nah, Im just joking. But I do like this show. I know all of America right now is in the midst of hating these people but i love watching their show. It is just amazing to see how they put up with all these kids! I wouldv'e killed them by now @_@. theres a lot of fighting between the parents but its still fun to watch them fight! Ahahahahahah. I know I'm horrible.
This show rocks. I have never seen any cakes as cool as these. They make the most amazing cakes I have ever seen in my entire life. If I ever had any of the talent these bakers had I'd be so accomplished. They made cakes for normal parties, movie premiers, and even Kate Gosselin's birthday. Duff is freakin awesome and Mary-Alice is so clever with her designs. If you ever see this on, take a moment to look at their cakes.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Nothing Like a Good House Warming Party!

Monday, 24 August 2009
Project Mural

Ugh School

Today, was the first day of school. And my Spock, it was CRAZY! I knew a few kids there and I never got lost but most of my teachers are crazy people. Ecspecially my MATH teacher! Shes like Umbridge, the crazy pink cat lady in Harry Potter. Its really scary. My science teacher has decided to call me Spock, my study skills teacher is "fabulous" and the kids look at me like a freak. [They're just jealous of my awesomeness]
And the worst part of all, it will go on for 179 more days! D; I know it sucks. I hate it!
What kind of teacher calls a kid Spock on the first day of school?
Okay, so maybe I have short hair....and maybe I just looked at him with a blank face, and maybe I knew all the science terms he was talking about but my Spock whats wrong with him?!
Whatever though, Shae Out.
Monday, 17 August 2009
My New School.

Saturday, 15 August 2009
Ah, home sweet Home.

<- thats the house.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Off to 4-H Camp!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Watchmen FTW!

Anywho, I watched it as soon as I beat the Post man down for it. [Ehehehe, not really.]
So anyways the best part of watching to movie on DVD was I got to fast forward through all the sex scenes. I mean its not that I don't like watching two people get it one after kicking ass I just would rather not watch it.
Anyways, my mom wanted me to let my little brother watch it with me and I told her 'No mom hes too little. Its rated R' so I finally got my brother to leave me alone after I showed him the dirty scenes . xD Im so devious
After I finally finished watching Wathchmen [Squee! Its so fun to say..or in this case type] My friend came over and we went to watch Secret Window. On the way back upstairs I got a HUGE splinter jammed underneath my index finger on my right hand. I didn't notice how big it was intill I pulled it out and blood started to pour down my finger. -shudder-
I made my grandma go by me a series of different bandaides. A case of Batman bandaides and a case of wild animal bandaides. Even though it stopped bleeding the bandaide just makes it feel a lot better. xD
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Well isn't this bananas?

There was a thing on Yahoo, that claims Humans have been opening bananas the wrong way for hundreds of years. You see, Humans tend to open the banana from the stem, and it seems to be really frustraing to pull and twist the stem and in the end the top of the banana is mushy. Who wants to eat a mushy banana anyways? So a team of hispanic researchers studied some monkeys and its turns on that the monkeys were opening bananas the right way for hundreds of years. Who knew?!
When monkeys open banana's they open it from the bottom . Crazy right? Wrong. Turns out that its much simpler to open bananas that way. After watching the video, I still didn't believe it and decided to test it myself. So, I took the banana and pinched the bottom like they did in the video and what do you know, it worked. It was much simpler and way faster. So from now on, I will be opening bananas that way just to save a moment or so. You should try it too and let me know how it works out. C
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince [SPOILERS]

Alright, where should I even begin? Lets start by saying things that were good about it.
For starters, the graphics and costumes were well put together as for the set, I do not see the point in changing the set every movie. Not drastically, but nonetheless it has been changed in one way or another. As well as props...well they were changed a bit too but still blended in just the same.
The movie was great for someone who had not read the book, but for me it lacked a lot of things. This is the part where I start complaining like a three year old, if you don't want to hear it-- or in this case read it, push the back button.
The beginning of the movie was WAY different to the book. In the book we see young Harry looking over a letter Dumbledore had sent saying that he was coming for Harry at the Dursley's home. In the movie we see Harry at a cafe in the subway station, flirting with the cute waitress when Dumbledore appears across the way beckoning Harry to come and join him.
Throw the next scene or so everything follows suit with the book, Mr.Yates even threw is a few jokes that even got me to chuckle a bit. Later on, I noticed another minor detail that had been changed; the layout of The Burrow [or the Weasley home] was changed and appeared to bee taller and had more of a lean to the structure. [Which contributed to the way it had been originally intended to look]
After the journey to Hogwarts everything seemed great, funny jokes, great costumes, and everything followed the book[which wasn't a big deal to me I just like pointing things out xD].
The newest addition to the Hogwarts staff, Horace Slughorn, was as great as he was in the book. Ron was of course...well Ron. Hermione was a bit more 'I love Ron and dangit I want him to notice me.' Harry was like, 'Man, I am the chosen, Ginny is hot.' so nothings really changed. [Lol]
So, the movie floats along yadayadayada and Harry gets that old ratty potions book that belonged to The Half-Blood Prince , yadayadayada and Ron makes Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and is being stalked by Lavendar Brown. [Lol stupid blonde]
Skipping to Christmas now and Lupin is having a yelling fit with Harry over what he heard Snape and Draco talking about [Yet, Lupin failed to tell Harry that Finir Greyback was the werewolve that bit him like he did in the book, which in the long run will cause confussion] and then Lupin storms off. After talking to Mr.Weasley Harry begins to go inside when Deatheaters appear out of the sky[this entire scene wasn't in the book] and of course Bellatrix starts bragging about how she killed Sirus Black so Harry goes chasing after her, and like a moron Ginny goes following after. Lupin, Tonks, and Aruther run after the three and show up just in time to help Ginny and Harry fight off some Deatheaters who in revenge set fire to the Weasley's home.
The rest of the movie follows suit with the book so skipping about 45 minutes later to when Dumbledore and Harry are off to find a horcrux. It was put together great and I thought that this scene was the best out of the movie because it was exactually like I had imagined in the book. So the rest of the scenes were great intill it came time for Draco to kill Dumbledore, that scene equaled EPIC FAIL.
Snape ends up going through with the deed and Alan Rickman has NO emotion what so ever with killing him; funny to watch. So, Hermione tells Harry that her and Ron would like to accompany him on his search for the remaining five horcurxes and then credits. No funeral for Dumbledore, though like I said it is rumored that it will be the first scene of the first part of the Deathly Hollows which is to be released in November of 2010.
Overall, I'd give the movie three and a half stars out of five. The story was good for one who didn't hope to see certain things from the book that weren't included yet it lacked a few things that I felt needed to be there. But go see it if you want to see a good action movie. C:
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Rumors [SPOILERS]

Sunday, 12 July 2009
Stars :3

I have finally seen Jupiter! I feel so accomplished I've always wanted to see Jupiter. I got so lucky to watch the news on July 11th [instead of Harry Potter for a change]. So around..oh lets say...nine thirtyish? I went out side and sat in the middle of the street [not joking when I say that.] with my binoculars and watched the sky intill Jupiter was just to the right of the moon. It was a beautiful sight to see even in it did look just like a star. C:
I am still very estatic about my first sighting of Jupiter though I am very sure that I have seen it before without knowing as well as the night time smile [Venus, Jupiter and the Moon] back in April. Sadly that combination of planets and the moon will not be seen again intill 2052...I hope I am still living to see the sight once more, but that time I will know what I am looking at XD.
Oh and on an up note I have spotted Draco, one of the ten constellations visible in July. It is made of thirteen stars and a lovely sight to see, once I find the USB cord for my camera...I will upload the pictures. [for you Mary! xD] I promise! Intill another spotting, Shae out!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
My Final Good Bye to Michael Jackson. <3

Sunday, 5 July 2009
Gettysburg Reenactment and Camping

Sunday, 28 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Stars and Constellations :3

So before I left Las Vegas, Mary gave me a book on stars and constellations that I have been reading a lot lately. But now with my newly aquired telescope I can hunt for the constellations myself. So far, I have found, Ursa Minor and Lupus. I am however looking for Libra, Circinus, and Bootes. No luck so far. D:
Next month theres still a lot to see in July, a grand total of 10 visable in July. I plan to go on up to the mountains to get a clearer view of the stars. I will try my best to find them thpough I must say all stars look alike. Theres my awful sense of humor shining through my thoughts once again. This month I'd really like to find Draco, its made up of 13 stars. I'm not looking forward to the camping trip now [minus the little brother part.ahaha]
I'm a little sad now that I've come to a sudden discovery. I will not be able to see any other months stars due to all the smog and lights in Las Vegas. D: Oh well, not much I can do about that just now I'll have to wait intill I'm out of High School and I can move to England. Plenty of places to look for stars there. :'] Yes, a happy tear.
Thursday, 25 June 2009

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
My Uncle.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Why Hello there Fossils.

Saturday, 13 June 2009
At this moment I am watch Spongebob...this show is the most illogical thing ever. But to be completely honest all cartoons are rather stupid. I prefer a good drama/mystery. Mostly anything with a good story line and a bit of action. Even as a kid I just watched "Batman" and "Star Trek." Aren't I such a nerd? Yes, I know I am.
Since this is my first post I don't much of anything to write about so you're just gonna have to bear with me on this. Im just gonna end this post here now. I know its real short but whatever.