Wednesday, 23 September 2009


So, my media teacher at school, said that we as students should always be ontop of work...natrually. But this man took it up to the next level. He requested that we get Twitters to follow our schools broadcast network. He didn't say we absolutley had to just that
he very strongly reccomended it. So what does half the class do? We go out and get Twitters just so he'll shut up about the darn subject.

Now, in my own opinion, Twitter is just another wannabe Myspace, Facebook, or anyother social networking site...just less advanced. On Twitter, there isn't annoying applications that your friends can send you invites to join [and thank Spock, cause those darn things get pretty annoying]. But on Twitter, you just update what youre doing every minute of the its not all that exciting. ahaha.

Well, I'll check in on you all later to keep you in the loop.
-Shae out. ahaha

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