Today, was the first day of school. And my Spock, it was CRAZY! I knew a few kids there and I never got lost but most of my teachers are crazy people. Ecspecially my MATH teacher! Shes like Umbridge, the crazy pink cat lady in Harry Potter. Its really scary. My science teacher has decided to call me Spock, my study skills teacher is "fabulous" and the kids look at me like a freak. [They're just jealous of my awesomeness]
And the worst part of all, it will go on for 179 more days! D; I know it sucks. I hate it!
What kind of teacher calls a kid Spock on the first day of school?
Okay, so maybe I have short hair....and maybe I just looked at him with a blank face, and maybe I knew all the science terms he was talking about but my Spock whats wrong with him?!
Whatever though, Shae Out.
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