Lady Gaga >> and Katy Perry.. OH and Justin Beiber
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?
Hmm, I have like 15 scars. Hm one on my knee from my mom hitting me with a greasy frying pan, one on my left arm from trying to iron a shirt, one my left hand from mary's cat, one on my right arm from a stick >>, one on each of my ankles from falling while dancing, one on my right leg from dancing, and all the rest on my back from permanent skin pigment loss.
What would your perfect day look like?
I didn't know days could look like anything, thanks for clearing that up for me.
What was the best advice you've ever received?
"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same then anything in between doesn't matter." Best piece of knowledge I've ever accepted as advice.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Saturday, 6 March 2010
OH that MJ
Friday, 5 March 2010
School Musical
Oh hot dayum xD
I am doing the school musical, which was written by students, and its in 2 weeks.
The sad part is..I'm doing ALL the choreography AND I have a relatively large role as it is. xD But whatever. TMRW, I am going costume shopping. I have to dress up as a gypsy at one point. Hahah and talk to a chicken. I somehow always manage to get the reject characters.
I am doing the school musical, which was written by students, and its in 2 weeks.
The sad part is..I'm doing ALL the choreography AND I have a relatively large role as it is. xD But whatever. TMRW, I am going costume shopping. I have to dress up as a gypsy at one point. Hahah and talk to a chicken. I somehow always manage to get the reject characters.
Friday, 26 February 2010
So, for my media class we had to film a 30 second Public Service Announcement. And EVERYONE was doing like obesity or recycling so, I decided to do AIDS. I think it turned out pretty good.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Nah, I just felt like doing that.
Anywho, I have been sitting here on my butt for 8 hours watching BET and their Michael Jackson music video obsession. And Scream came on. [OMG DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE DID YOU ] And, I kinda really like Janet's hair. Now, I want to grow my hair out so I can totally knock off her hair style in that video.
Its just..awesome possum!
SO if my parents would stop scheduling me hair appointmetns I could so this! But NO, they just keep making hair appointments with out telling me! SO after my next hair cut in March, I'm not cutting my hair intill October. Yeah, I'm just gonna let it grow.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
We actualy started walking through the musicals blocking today and I must say it is a huge mess.
But whatever.
I was totally jamming out all day!
I was all getting into my jams when the fire alarm went off at school and it scared the crap outta me.
My computers teacher stared at me when I like jumped 3 feet outta my chair.
and Ms. House ate Mr. Wilson's lunch again and Mr.Wilson took Ms. House's disipline stick.
So then Ms. House stole Mr.Wilson's lesson plans for the week..bad choice.
He was so paranoid all day.
He was like snooping for it. Never found them.
I was dancing on the stage today and someone pushed me slightly and I fell..hurtly my tailbone...AGAIN.
And so now I have to go and be easy on my back to make sure its not fractured.
Why does my life suck?
Oh well.
But whatever.
I was totally jamming out all day!
I was all getting into my jams when the fire alarm went off at school and it scared the crap outta me.
My computers teacher stared at me when I like jumped 3 feet outta my chair.
and Ms. House ate Mr. Wilson's lunch again and Mr.Wilson took Ms. House's disipline stick.
So then Ms. House stole Mr.Wilson's lesson plans for the week..bad choice.
He was so paranoid all day.
He was like snooping for it. Never found them.
I was dancing on the stage today and someone pushed me slightly and I fell..hurtly my tailbone...AGAIN.
And so now I have to go and be easy on my back to make sure its not fractured.
Why does my life suck?
Oh well.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Friday, 29 January 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
So my birthday was yesterday and i had such a fun time.
My Russian friend Whitney brought me cup cakes and a hat.
Hahah and my friend Mary gave me THE softest teddy bear and blanket EVER
I'm having my party tmrw and I'm putting off cleaning. xD
I got so much MJ for my birthday its ridankulous.
Well; I'm off to draw story boards for my Film class now.
Ta ta and I hope my birthday was as fun for you as for me!
My Russian friend Whitney brought me cup cakes and a hat.
Hahah and my friend Mary gave me THE softest teddy bear and blanket EVER
I'm having my party tmrw and I'm putting off cleaning. xD
I got so much MJ for my birthday its ridankulous.
Well; I'm off to draw story boards for my Film class now.
Ta ta and I hope my birthday was as fun for you as for me!
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
ONLY in Vegas

So tis morning I woke up late but still got out of the house on time. When I went outside there were 3 heliocopters in the sky and there was a faint sound of sirens. Typical sounds of Vegas. SO I get to my bus stop and a 15 police car convoy speeds down the street the heliocopters above. One of the cops went over his mega phone and said, "Civilians get on the grass no one on the side walk" so we stepped up on the grass. My friends and I cheered as the cops passed.
A while later the cars sped down the street next to the one I was on. It was AWESOME! haha
I thought it was the most exciting morning ever. I don't know if he was caught though.
OH and I sewed a sequin to my hand last night on accident I am such a genius.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Yesterday I was at WalMart and decided to try #91 on the list of 333 ways to get kicked out of walmart. I threw a box of cereal one aisle over, and surprisingly, it went into a basket. About ten seconds later, a lady comes up to me and says, "Who threw this into my cart? (holding the box)" I have no poker face whatsoever, so I said "Me...sorry..." She said, "Thanks, I've been looking for that." And today I went to WalMart with two of my other friends and dressed as Bones, Spock, and Kirk. [I was Kirk.] While we were there a lot of people stared at us. But the best part of it all was when we left and a man pushing a cart with a small child in it looked at us and said, "Look Honey, Vulcans."
Today, when I tried to log on to Facebook, it said, "Cookies are required to operate."... I then thought to myself, "Me too, Facebook. Me too."
A few days ago, I was listening to my music on shuffle. It played the Batman theme song, then The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. My laptop then shut down. I think the battle that was to follow was too intense for it to handle.
On Thursday, I was waiting outside for my dad to pick me up. I saw a boy, around 8 years old, walking with his 2 sisters and mom to their car. All of a sudden, he starts sprinting. Instead of saying 'Last one to the car is a rotten egg,' he shouted, 'First one to the car is in Gryffindor!' I'm glad he won
Last week, I went with my friend to get her swine flu shot. She is very scared of needles, so she timidly asked the doctor "That's like 6 inches long, you're going stick that whole thing in me?" He then looked up thoughtfully, nodded his head and said, "That's what she said." He is definitely my new favorite doctor, and forever shall be.
Good times.
Today, when I tried to log on to Facebook, it said, "Cookies are required to operate."... I then thought to myself, "Me too, Facebook. Me too."
A few days ago, I was listening to my music on shuffle. It played the Batman theme song, then The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. My laptop then shut down. I think the battle that was to follow was too intense for it to handle.
On Thursday, I was waiting outside for my dad to pick me up. I saw a boy, around 8 years old, walking with his 2 sisters and mom to their car. All of a sudden, he starts sprinting. Instead of saying 'Last one to the car is a rotten egg,' he shouted, 'First one to the car is in Gryffindor!' I'm glad he won
Last week, I went with my friend to get her swine flu shot. She is very scared of needles, so she timidly asked the doctor "That's like 6 inches long, you're going stick that whole thing in me?" He then looked up thoughtfully, nodded his head and said, "That's what she said." He is definitely my new favorite doctor, and forever shall be.
Good times.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
3 B's!!!

On my semester report card I got 3 B's! 3 HOLE B's! WTF!? I worked my arse off all semester and I get 3 B's!! And my film class grade isn't even up yet and if thats a B as well, we're about to go around. 3...B's? HOW DID I GET A B IN SCIENCE?! [the one B thats REALLY bothering me.] D: Geeeeez. This suuuucks I wanted straight A's. Dangit..this sucks.
So much for my 4.0....dang...
I must be a whole new kind of stupid to get a B in STUDY SKILLS! We never even DID anything in that class!!! WTFH

Dang; maybe I should just go and find another career. I hate this right now. 3 B' arse. You better believe I will get back at my teachers..when they least expect it. If they find a dead rat in their morning coffee it will probably be from me. When they find out that their morning begal was laced with laxitives it will say, "Love your student" with no name on it. and when they think they are most safe, i will pop up and CUT OFF THEIR HEADS and FEAST on their BRAINS MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA and then one night i will appear next to their beds and when they awaken in the middle of the night they will see me trying to hide the blood on my arms and I'll hold my finger to my mouth and say, "Shhhh. Shhhh. I only killed your cat...and by your cat I mean your whole FAMILY." AND THEY WILL KNOW THAT I HAVE HAD MY REVENGE!

Nah; just joking. I probably won't do any of that..I'll just put baby sharks in their toilets.
Friday, 15 January 2010
I feel like being random
feel like unleashing all of my stupid thoughts on you are you ready? Lets do it- a break it dooooown. [Too much Yo Gabba Gabba]
R A N D O M S T U F F;
Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm actually pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. You know what I mean? Its like, I kinda live here I think I know how to get to the main street, but thanks anyways.
I now understand why women seem to have such difficulty finding a boyfriend who is sensitive, caring, and good-looking.... that type's already got freaking boyfriends!!! But thats okay for me, because girls can be nice like that too.
I almost choked to death on Lucky Charms this morning. they are not so 'magically delicious' when they're lodged in your throat.God, I think foods out to get me, that or I just forgot how to eat.
Why is it that when something is sent in a car, it's called a shipment, yet when it's sent in a ship, it's called cargo???? Riddle me that!
When life gives you lemons find a kid with a paper cut.
The Gaga Law (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance
Be THERE or be an oddly shaped polygon; because saying square is so overated.
haha werewolves, dragons, talking trees, skeletons, and crazy old hermits; Dragon Age is pretty awesome. haha
Chuck Norris is the reason that Waldo is hiding.
I try to accomplish things before the microwave hits :00
I've often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my mom to go swimming
I wish that the sticky side of envelopes tasted better.
everything was inwented in russia
I HERD YOU LIEK MUD KIPPS In SOVIET Russia, Mudkip lieks you!
25 INSANELY Random Things:
I am part blackense [cept not really]
2. Spock is my husband. <3
3. House is my maid and George is his tights wearing sidekick
4. I have read every harry potter book 438753057 times and counting
5. Michael Jackson is my secret lover [dont tell spock]
6. If i had to pick between my dog and halle berry....i'd stuff the dog in halle berry and run
7. My socks NEVER match
8. I hate chololate [tis yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucky]
9.I ALWAYS want either: A hot pocket, halle berry, or a slurpee
10. Iact REALLY white.
12. Harley Quinn is smarter then my mom
13. I would do NOTHING for a kolndike bar
14. I know more about Vulcan society then american history
15. I speak: Klingon, English, Blackenese, Elfish, and German
16. I hate twilight
17.I love kids [just not my siblings]
18. I am a michael jackson impersonater [beat that ]
19. I know every word to every song in Rent, Wicked, Avenue Q, Cats and Sweeney Todd
20. I died a little when I didnt get my Hogwarts letter
21. I love Zachary Quinto.
22. I <3 Johnny Depp too
23. I have a rat, a cat, a dog, 2 fish, a llama, a cow, and a rabbit
24. Addition to 23: i have 7 younger siblings
R A N D O M S T U F F;
Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm actually pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. You know what I mean? Its like, I kinda live here I think I know how to get to the main street, but thanks anyways.
I now understand why women seem to have such difficulty finding a boyfriend who is sensitive, caring, and good-looking.... that type's already got freaking boyfriends!!! But thats okay for me, because girls can be nice like that too.
I almost choked to death on Lucky Charms this morning. they are not so 'magically delicious' when they're lodged in your throat.God, I think foods out to get me, that or I just forgot how to eat.
Why is it that when something is sent in a car, it's called a shipment, yet when it's sent in a ship, it's called cargo???? Riddle me that!
When life gives you lemons find a kid with a paper cut.
The Gaga Law (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance
Be THERE or be an oddly shaped polygon; because saying square is so overated.
haha werewolves, dragons, talking trees, skeletons, and crazy old hermits; Dragon Age is pretty awesome. haha
Chuck Norris is the reason that Waldo is hiding.
I try to accomplish things before the microwave hits :00
I've often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my mom to go swimming
I wish that the sticky side of envelopes tasted better.
everything was inwented in russia
I HERD YOU LIEK MUD KIPPS In SOVIET Russia, Mudkip lieks you!
25 INSANELY Random Things:
I am part blackense [cept not really]
2. Spock is my husband. <3
3. House is my maid and George is his tights wearing sidekick
4. I have read every harry potter book 438753057 times and counting
5. Michael Jackson is my secret lover [dont tell spock]
6. If i had to pick between my dog and halle berry....i'd stuff the dog in halle berry and run
7. My socks NEVER match
8. I hate chololate [tis yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucky]
9.I ALWAYS want either: A hot pocket, halle berry, or a slurpee
10. Iact REALLY white.
12. Harley Quinn is smarter then my mom
13. I would do NOTHING for a kolndike bar
14. I know more about Vulcan society then american history
15. I speak: Klingon, English, Blackenese, Elfish, and German
16. I hate twilight
17.I love kids [just not my siblings]
18. I am a michael jackson impersonater [beat that ]
19. I know every word to every song in Rent, Wicked, Avenue Q, Cats and Sweeney Todd
20. I died a little when I didnt get my Hogwarts letter
21. I love Zachary Quinto.
22. I <3 Johnny Depp too
23. I have a rat, a cat, a dog, 2 fish, a llama, a cow, and a rabbit
24. Addition to 23: i have 7 younger siblings
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Have you ever..
really hated a TV show but you can't stop watching it?
feel like you need too help someone but you cant?
wanted someone you reaaaaaaaaally hate at times?
thought fate is out to get you?
REALLY wanted a slurpee?
read an ENTIRE textbook because you're bored?
want a hot pocket for no reason?
think some people just don't know when to shut up?
thought that clocks are just TOO loud?
heard the slightest noise and made you turn your head?
Cause I feelt ALL of that today. And now its really weird
really hated a TV show but you can't stop watching it?
feel like you need too help someone but you cant?
wanted someone you reaaaaaaaaally hate at times?
thought fate is out to get you?
REALLY wanted a slurpee?
read an ENTIRE textbook because you're bored?
want a hot pocket for no reason?
think some people just don't know when to shut up?
thought that clocks are just TOO loud?
heard the slightest noise and made you turn your head?
Cause I feelt ALL of that today. And now its really weird
Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Ugh; I hate exams, the clocks in the rooms drive me nuts with their ticking! I try to finish reading a passage and then I hear the clock. And NO ONE else hear its tick, not even the kids RIGHT under it. I think I'm going crazy..even though I hear the clocks everyday.
AND whats worse is that I can tell when the clock is running slow because the gears will shift once, then go backwards for half a turn, then start again.
The noise is nearly UNBEARABLE.
I sware! And my teachers won't let me fix the clocks or take the clock of the wall just for the class period they have me. And since they don't hear it they think I'm completely bonkers.
Today I was sitting in class looking at the clock, with the most devious thoughts in my head [Sorta like that kind my friends and I have for the HEROES writers] where I took the clock off the wall and smashed it with a hammer! But not just ANY OLE HAMMER, the HAMMER OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Semester Finals
UGH; finals are starting Monday and I haven't even studied one second.
I've TRIED to study; I even stayed after school with my horrible, rotten yogurt scented Math Teacher.
The whole time I was there she was Facebooking. DX I kept asking for help and she was all ignoring me.
GOD I hate that woman. She smells like Muscle Milk and rotten yogurt and sulfur.
OH and I have a 4 page final essay to do for Study Skills [the most idiotic class in the world. TOTAL waste of money] its due...wednesday and I havent even started..haha xD
And me writing this journal entry is me procrastinating. Haha
I've TRIED to study; I even stayed after school with my horrible, rotten yogurt scented Math Teacher.
The whole time I was there she was Facebooking. DX I kept asking for help and she was all ignoring me.
GOD I hate that woman. She smells like Muscle Milk and rotten yogurt and sulfur.
OH and I have a 4 page final essay to do for Study Skills [the most idiotic class in the world. TOTAL waste of money] its due...wednesday and I havent even started..haha xD
And me writing this journal entry is me procrastinating. Haha
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