Ah, October. What a great month. And why wouldn't it be? Its the month of All Hallows Eve after all. I can smell the candy now. Yum. Though this year, I'm not allowed to go Trick-or-Treating because I'm like....-coughcough14cough- so instead I'm thinking about having a Halloween Party instead. It's just as fun and instead of walking around in the cold getting candy I can just eat it out of the bowl thats supposed to be given out to the kids. Ahahahahahah Its something I would do...seriously.
And the best part is being able to dress up like a moron and no one will think you're a loser!
But I kinda do that everyday...so not much point in it.
Anyways I can't wait to dress up and have a party, eat some candy and maybe dress up the dog! Yeah, I can't decide what she should be, I found a lot of neat doggy costumes but none cute enough for her. xD