Sunday, 28 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Stars and Constellations :3

So before I left Las Vegas, Mary gave me a book on stars and constellations that I have been reading a lot lately. But now with my newly aquired telescope I can hunt for the constellations myself. So far, I have found, Ursa Minor and Lupus. I am however looking for Libra, Circinus, and Bootes. No luck so far. D:
Next month theres still a lot to see in July, a grand total of 10 visable in July. I plan to go on up to the mountains to get a clearer view of the stars. I will try my best to find them thpough I must say all stars look alike. Theres my awful sense of humor shining through my thoughts once again. This month I'd really like to find Draco, its made up of 13 stars. I'm not looking forward to the camping trip now [minus the little brother part.ahaha]
I'm a little sad now that I've come to a sudden discovery. I will not be able to see any other months stars due to all the smog and lights in Las Vegas. D: Oh well, not much I can do about that just now I'll have to wait intill I'm out of High School and I can move to England. Plenty of places to look for stars there. :'] Yes, a happy tear.
Thursday, 25 June 2009

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
My Uncle.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Why Hello there Fossils.

Saturday, 13 June 2009
At this moment I am watch Spongebob...this show is the most illogical thing ever. But to be completely honest all cartoons are rather stupid. I prefer a good drama/mystery. Mostly anything with a good story line and a bit of action. Even as a kid I just watched "Batman" and "Star Trek." Aren't I such a nerd? Yes, I know I am.
Since this is my first post I don't much of anything to write about so you're just gonna have to bear with me on this. Im just gonna end this post here now. I know its real short but whatever.